Inertia and Genuity

What I’m thinking about today is Newton’s first law of motion: A moving body will continue in uniform motion until something acts to divert it. Inertia.

Sometimes we need more catalysts.

Also, I’m reading through this:  by Edgar Allen Poe.  He was a thinker way ahead of his time, allowed his mind to think freely rather than be guided by limitations set by discovery.  He created words to suit his needs-a complete disregard for the limitations on our language.  I feel a kinship.  Also a frustration, which you may feel too if you are working through Eureka: a prose poem.   Here is some help/reference for any completely foreign words you may encounter.   Afterall, English in the mid 1800s is already quite different from today, so invented 19th century English…just try to figure it out.

All this talk about Truth gives me a headache.  Philosophers, scientists (whats the difference?), clergymen, transcendentalists, all have been talking about truth for centuries (at least).  Is truth found in consistency? Science affords none.  Per my definition truth comes from intuition and genuity ( which encompasses both the quality of genius and genuineness). If we define consistencies as truths then life becomes much simpler.  I trust truth, I don’t trust consistency.    Johannes Kepler, who can be credited for a lot of the founding information for Newton’s discoveries, claims to have guessed at his theories.  Isn’t that what scientists do?  Guess and then try to prove themselves wrong..when they can’t prove themselves wrong they consider their theories right..until they can prove it wrong.

Some people (Newton, Einstein, Tesla, etc.) seem to be more open to understanding– a light person who exists not so much in mind but with intuition, seemingly able to just feel the way things are.  We have all felt this in moments of absolute clarity or revelation; when things just make such simple, simple sense.  That is the most honest thing.  That is genuity.

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