Category ranting and raving

Occupy the self

This generation is due to combust.  Those before us have been manipulating the world (in the manner that humans will).  We think we have bred the earth to respond to us, only us.  Just like dogs.  But we’re wrong.  The earth has bred us.  We must be obedient and listen to the songs of our […]


Organ(ic) versus surface. We can’t change organs without changing who we are on the surface.  Purple and blue tissu and cells.  Its all laden with unspeakable personality; colliding rationals.  Pulsing. Expressing.  Over all of your mindless meditation.  Balance in the pelvic bowl.  Push forth past boundaries: expulsion of unnecessary and revocable clutter.   Swinging. Swaying. […]

Why you should litter and eat garbage

Recently, I read the question on someone’s facebook page “where do people think their trash goes when they throw it out the window?” Actually, people know exactly where it goes when they throw it out the window. Where do people think their trash goes when they put it in the garbage? To the curb, then […]

My relationship with Language

There’s something about language.  each word is merely a representation of a feeling.  A feeling for which we have thousands of variations and one word to encompass it all.  You could present a group of people with a string of words and they would all relate it to themselves therefore taking different things from it […]

Taking advantage of being HUMAN

Being human means many things. Some of us are pressed to advance, advance, advance.  Bring ourselves forward, as individuals and a species.  Some of us are inclined to rebel, rebel, rebel.  Rebel against the destructive changes we are making, or our ancestors have made. Rebel against anything; for the sake of rebellion. I just want […]

“More Education!” They scream.  More time in the classroom! For children to sit in a chair and hear about all the things out there–to be informed so thoroughly that by the time they actually experience things they will already have an explanation. To strip first-hand experience of drawing a novel conclusion because kids already “know” […]